Monday, June 29, 2015

6-26-15 It's so green!

 Can you see Edamame among the Nutsedge and cover crops?
Buckwheat at 11 o'clock
New plot with cardboard sheet mulching at 2 o'clock

 Flowering tobacco (Nicotiana alata) grown in soft pot/grow bag
Fragrance of Jasmine and spider lily

 Bush beans + Corn 

 Teeming with wildlife at our plot! 

 Sprouting Moringa
Trying to establish some trees in our plot to create some microclimates
We chose Moringa because it's beneficial for both humans and soil
Also it's a tropical plant, will winter-kill (hopefully not the roots), easy to control

 Crimson clover dominated plot
One of the ways to suppress Nutsedge

 Our new plot
Sheet mulch with cardboards 
Sowed different cover crops, monarch buttefly kit seeds
Hopefully they will establish the ground before weeds come up

 Raised bed update
Top left corner - kidney beans, hop and lima beans
Moving towards bottom right corner - Peppers (not doing too well), tomatoes
Brocolli, chards


Mason bee at work

Useful reference of different cover crops for different conditions: